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.vscode-server folder taking up lots of space

I am using VScode for web development and noticed that the .vscode-server in my user folder is taking up a lot of space (100s of MB). I tried removing it and reopening VSCode and connecting to the server, and the folder comes back and is still quite large. Is there any way to stop this from happening?

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yunyun333 Avatar asked Nov 15 '19 20:11


People also ask

Can I delete Vscode-server folder?

vscode-server in your home directory on the server becoming corrupted in some way. Since VS Code will automatically recreate that directory when you reconnect, it's safe to delete it.

How big is VS code server?

vscode-server with space nearing almost 1GB. Looking through the directories it looks like this is where a lot of VsCode lives on the remote server and where remote extensions are installed to.

What is a Vscode-server?

The Visual Studio Code Server is a service you can run on a remote development machine, like your desktop PC or a virtual machine (VM). It allows you to securely connect to that remote machine from anywhere through a vscode. dev URL, without the requirement of SSH.

1 Answers

That's the folder which contains all the extension you install on the server side. Therefore, if you want to use vs code, better keep it.

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Steven Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10
