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vscode plugin for c++ auto add include header

I am looking for a visual studio code's plugin for c++ has feature that auto complete/add include header when writing code. Any suggestion?

like image 721
Bryan Fok Avatar asked Dec 10 '18 04:12

Bryan Fok

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1 Answers

Actually, there isn't any extension like what you exactly want, but you can create your own desired option without any extension and only using USER-SNIPPETS. To do this: open visual studio code > File > Preferences > User Snippets : here you can create a new user snippets file or use an existing one, if you are new you might don't have any hence create a fresh one(make sure it is for c++), then put your desired snippets, here's mine as an example:

"Add iostream & string": {
        "prefix": "#include",
        "body": [
          "#include <iostream>",
          "#include <string>",
        "description": "Add iostream & string"

after whenever you type #inc in a .cpp file a snippet will be shown for you and you can accept that.

but if you mean what Deepak Punjabi said, considering that c++ has a huge amount of libraries it isn't actually intellectual to do such a thing. searching a huge huge bunch of libraries to just include a header. the feature you are looking for somehow is a compiler feature which some languages like python meet the needs better.

like image 98
hessam_kk Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
