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VScode: Defining own variables in tasks.json

I've set up a tasks.json file for building a project on multiple platforms. All platforms see the same content of the project repository. This is done either via disk sharing, because of running another platform in a VM, or via sync with the Git repository. So far so good, they all see the same task.json. However some command lines are rather long and those long lines are identical for most part. for example:

"rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build; ../configure --with-bash-malloc=no CFLAGS=\"-O3 -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-free\" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib LIBS=\"-ltcmalloc -lcurl\" CC=clang

Similar lines are there for the different platforms. The configure part is always the same for the different platforms, so it would be nice to factor out this common part. Thus the question is if it is possible to define your own variables, so you can use them similar to ${workspaceRoot}.

Thus define somewhere

"win_dir": "build_windows",
"linux_dir": "build",
"osx_dir": "build_osx",
"configure": "../configure --with-bash-malloc=no CFLAGS=\"-O3 -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-free\" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib LIBS=\"-ltcmalloc -lcurl\" CC=clang"

And then write

"tasks": [
        "taskName": "configure",
        "command": "bash",
        "windows": {
            "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${win_dir}; mkdir ${win_dir}; cd ${win_dir}; ${configure}"]
        "linux": {
            "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${linux_dir}; mkdir ${linux_dir}; cd ${linux_dir}; ${configure}"]
        "osx": {
            "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${osx_dir}; mkdir ${osx_dir}; cd ${osx_dir}; ${configure}"]
        "isBuildCommand": true,
        "problemMatcher": "$make-compile"
    ... others tasks using the variables

When making changes to the build directory or arguments passed to configure etc, then the tasks.json file needs only editing at one place, instead of many.

Perhaps it is already possible but I'm unable to find out how. I tried to do something with the declares block, but that seems to be hard tied to problemMatcher. You can find some examples, but I could not find clear documentation of of the elements of the tasks.json file and how they interact.

Perhaps I'm missing something, please educate me!

like image 592
Jimmy Venema Avatar asked Jun 01 '17 09:06

Jimmy Venema

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2 Answers

The other answer won't work because, at least on windows, the shell will not substitute environment variables given as arguments. ${env:...} variables as suggested in a comment on that answer won't be substituted using environment variables set in tasks.json itself, only preexisting ones. You can however add custom settings in settings.json, and reference those in tasks.json using ${config:...}.

e.g. settings.json:

    "win_dir": "build_windows",
    "linux_dir": "build",
    "osx_dir": "build_osx",
    "configure": "../configure --with-bash-malloc=no CFLAGS=\"-O3 -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-free\" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib LIBS=\"-ltcmalloc -lcurl\" CC=clang"

in tasks.json:

    "tasks": [
            "taskName": "configure",
            "command": "bash",
            "windows": {
                "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${config:win_dir}; mkdir ${config:win_dir}; cd ${config:win_dir}; ${config:configure}"]
            "linux": {
                "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${config:linux_dir}; mkdir ${config:linux_dir}; cd ${config:linux_dir}; ${config:configure}"]
            "osx": {
                "args": ["-c", "rm -rf ${config:osx_dir}; mkdir ${config:osx_dir}; cd ${config:osx_dir}; ${config:configure}"]
            "isBuildCommand": true,
            "problemMatcher": "$make-compile"
        // ... other tasks using the variables
like image 192
patstew Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


Thus the question is if it is possible to define your own variables, so you can use them similar to ${workspaceRoot}.

You could define environment variables in your tasks.json:

    // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "options": {
        "env": {
            "win_dir": "build_windows",
            "linux_dir": "build",
            "osx_dir": "build_osx",
            "configure": "../configure --with-bash-malloc=no CFLAGS=\"-O3 -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-free\" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib LIBS=\"-ltcmalloc -lcurl\" CC=clang"
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Example",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "echo win_dir is $win_dir"

With that, you could then also use the environment matching to refer to the relevant environment variables.

like image 25
Adam Parkin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Adam Parkin