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vscode chooses unusual option for autocomplete

While using the latest version of Visual Studio Code I am editing a JavaScript file and often want to log output to the console. I created a user snippet to make this easier to autocomplete but I've found that the default option I get in my autocomplete is the red highlighted option below (instead of the green which is my snippet):

enter image description here

I'm wondering two things:

  1. Where is this "non-standard" autocomplete coming from? Can I remove it?
  2. How does vscode determine which of the matches will be the default, and can I influence it to choose my snippets first?
like image 662
ken Avatar asked Feb 03 '17 10:02


1 Answers

You can add this "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top" to your configuration to ensure snippets are always sorted on top

like image 177
Johannes Rieken Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10

Johannes Rieken