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VS2019 without Windows 8.1 SDK

I'm trying to run an already functional application that requires the Windows 8.1 SDK.

I installed Visual Studio 2019, but there is no option in the 8.1 SDK.

This is for a Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2019 last update.

On my old computer, there was the option to select in "Individual Components", but now no longer the encounter. Does anyone know if there is no such support on VS2019? Or is it necessary to install something more for the support to appear?

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RedAlpha Avatar asked Apr 08 '19 22:04


People also ask

How do I fix windows 8.1 SDK not found?

If you run Visual Studio and get the mentioned error, it means that Windows SDK version 8.1 is not installed. Normally, this issue does not exist in the modern versions of Visual Studio. To fix this issue, you need to re-install Visual studio, whether it is the VS2015 or VS2017 version.

Does Visual Studio include Windows SDK?

The Windows SDK is installed as part of the Desktop development with C++ workload in the Visual Studio Installer. A standalone version is available at Windows SDK.

Does Visual Studio need Windows 10 SDK?

It is not necessary if you limit yourself to what is possible with standard C++ (console-only output, using the C++ standard library, etc). If you don't know, but have in mind "I just want my applications to have a windows interface" then you need the windows SDK.

1 Answers

This is expected as it is marked as deprecated in Visual Studio 2019:

The Windows 8.1 SDK is no longer available in the Visual Studio installer. Please upgrade your C++ projects to the latest Windows 10 SDK. If you have a hard dependency on 8.1, you can download it from the Windows SDK archive.

So download and install the SDK from here.

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magicandre1981 Avatar answered Jun 27 '23 19:06
