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VS Code Source Control Pane is Blank

I've reinstalled my PC and tried connecting back up to my Azure DevOps Repo using VS Code and TFVC. I'm using TFVC Location with Visual Studio 2019 Community TF.exe. It all seems to work and I can connect to my repo with my credentials. It all seems to load up fine and I can even see TFVC with a number of changes/differences. - see image below. However I'm expecting to see my source control and list of files to commit like before. But the panel is blank. There's no errors in the Output window of VS Code either.

I've tried removing and re-adding the workspace. Tried editing/adding anew file to the project in hope of kickstarting TFVC pane to show the file list. - the number next to TFVC updates but I don't see any menu button or files list.

Has anyone else had this and know a solution, or know where I'm going wrong.

vscode tfvc

like image 871
GBrooksy Avatar asked Oct 11 '19 14:10


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Why is Visual Studio not showing Source Control?

If you don't see the checkbox for adding to source control – Git or Visual Studio Team Services, you can enable this from Options settings. From the main menu, Tools -> Options and then navigate to. Under the Plug-in Selection, you will find it is already set to “None.

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If your workspace is on your local machine, you can enable Git source control by creating a Git repository with the Initialize Repository command. When VS Code doesn't detect an existing Git repository, the Source Control view will give you the options to Initialize Repository or Publish to GitHub.

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Right-click within the Project Explorer and choose Source Control | Reset from the context menu. Click Reset on the Source Control toolbar.

How do I view Source Control in Visual Studio?

Source Control Explorer is available in Visual Studio, but isn't opened by default when working with a project managed in TFVC. You can open the Source Control Explorer window: From the Team Explorer home page (Keyboard: Ctrl + 0, H), choose Source Control Explorer. From the menu bar.

2 Answers

Just toggle "scm.alwaysShowProviders" on and off from whatever value your have (default is false), this would cause the source control pane to redraw and fix the issue for now.

like image 148
Ali80 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10


This happens to me occasionally. I just figured out I can fix this by right clicking in the blank area and then selecting the repository I want to show up

like image 45
Jules Colle Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Jules Colle