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VS Code: "go to next problem" in current file rather than in any file?

I starting to use VS Code with Purescript and Haskell. The VS Code function "Go to next problem" is very handy, except that it goes to any problem (including warnings) in any file. I would like it to go to the next problem in this file.

Alternatively, is there a way to see warnings or errors without needing to use the mouse to hover over them? "Go to next problem" does that with a peek window, but otherwise it's annoying to have to take my hands off the keyboard.

like image 915
composerMike Avatar asked Feb 20 '19 22:02


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1 Answers

I'm using Code Insiders.

In Code you can use: (type in ctrl + shift + p console)

Go to next problem(Error, Warning, Info). 

This loops over the errors in current file, never changes file.

When you run f8, this starts other command

Go to next problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)

Just add some shortcut to first one

like image 64
Kamil Naja Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 22:01

Kamil Naja