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VS Code extension recommendations for projects

I would like to enforce TS Linting on projects opened with Visual Studio Code. The docs say you can provide a list of extension recommendations for workspaces, but what if we don't use workspaces and we just open project folders? Is there a way to prompt users who open a project to install TS Lint?

I've tried creating .vscode\extensions.json with the following:

    "recommendations": [

Any feedback would be helpful.

like image 551
jellybeans Avatar asked May 31 '18 00:05


1 Answers

Once you create a .vscode\extensions.json, vscode users should see this notification when they open the workspace/folder:

enter image description here

This should work both if the project is opened as a folder or as a workspace

like image 158
Matt Bierner Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Matt Bierner