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VS 2012 Intellisense and Class highlighting not fully working with old ASP.NET website project

My intellisense and class highlighting does not work on one of ASP.NET website projects. It works for all other projects, including other ASP.NET website projects but just not this one.

The project was written in VS2010 and I've inherited it but am finding it difficult to use without code highlighting and auto-complete!

Note: my general VS2012 settings seem correct as I've never experience this with other projects loaded. I even created a new ASP.NET website project to check this, and yep, it all works fine in the new project!

If I type the first letter of a word that should be recognised e.g. the "S" of System then hitting ctrl-space gives me a list of options for logic operators, local variables, types such as:




but no options for classes - so System doesn't appear, neither do any of my classes. If I do type out a class name in full then it will stay black and not be highlighted.

Here are two screen shots of the intellisense not working and the lack of highlighting. Any suggestions much appreciated!



like image 714
WheretheresaWill Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 13:04


1 Answers

It was actually an issue with my .suo file. This is the file that stores some user settings etc.

I deleted this file, and then re-saved the solution (.sln file).

Next time I opened the site I opened it using the .sln file instead of opening it as a web site:

File->Open->Project/Solution instead of File->Open->Web Site.

Hope this helps someone in the future.

like image 143
WheretheresaWill Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10
