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void(0) returns `undefined`, but allows property access. Why?



So void returns undefined after executing the expression passed to it. undefined throws exceptions when you try to access its properties. So why is that void(0).prop returns undefined instead of crashing?

alert("void(0) => " + void(0)); // undefined

// How is it that this doesn't throw an exception?
alert("void(0).someprop => " + void(0).someprop); // undefined

// Exception, can't access property of undefined.
alert("undefined.someprop => " + undefined.someprop); // crash


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Alex Wayne Avatar asked Sep 12 '13 20:09

Alex Wayne

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In JavaScript code, especially in older legacy code, you sometimes find the expression void 0 . The void operator evaluates an expression and returns the primitive value undefined. void 0 evaluates 0 , which does nothing, and then returns undefined . It is effectively an alias for undefined .

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JavaScript void 0 means returning undefined (void) as a primitive value. You might come across the term “JavaScript:void(0)” while going through HTML documents. It is used to prevent any side effects caused while inserting an expression in a web page.

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To solve the "Cannot read properties of undefined" error, make sure that the DOM element you are accessing exists. The error is often thrown when trying to access a property at a non-existent index after using the getElementsByClassName() method.

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2 Answers

The void operator doesn't use parenthesis itself. So, the statement is probably being parsed as:

void( (0).someprop )

And accessing someprop from the Number. Rather than as:

(void (0)).someprop

As you were probably expecting, which does throw an error.

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Jonathan Lonowski Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09

Jonathan Lonowski

void is an operator, it is NOT a function.

void(0) is equivalent to "void 0".

So void(0).someprop is equivalent to void 0..someprop.

To prove,


throws an error, since it will be evaluated as (someprop doesn't exist in undefined for sure)

void undefined.someprop
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zs2020 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
