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Vlookup in Pandas with approximate match



I need to do a vlookup style operation on two pandas dataframes

The Vlookup function in Excel has an extra parameter whether it should find an approximate or exact match. For exact match I know I can using the join function. But how would I do the approximate match where I find the next larger value?

For instance, if I have a marks and grades definition dataframe, like this:

Student Mark
John    65
Peter   75
Jason   79


Mark    Symbol
50      D
60      C  # table indicates a mark between 60 and 69 is a C symbol
70      B
80      A

How can I get a table like this:

Student Mark    Symbol
John    65      C
Peter   75      B
Jason   79      B
like image 206
Kritz Avatar asked Sep 22 '17 06:09


People also ask

How do you do a VLOOKUP with approximate match?

Approximate match - 1/TRUE assumes the first column in the table is sorted either numerically or alphabetically, and will then search for the closest value. This is the default method if you don't specify one. For example, =VLOOKUP(90,A1:B100,2,TRUE).

How do you do a VLOOKUP on pandas?

In Pandas, VLOOKUP merges two DataFrames if both have a common attribute (column). You can perform VLOOKUP in Pandas using map() and merge() methods as discussed in this article: The map() method. The merge() method.

What is the equivalent of a VLOOKUP in Python?

We can use merge() function to perform Vlookup in pandas. The merge function does the same job as the Join in SQL We can perform the merge operation with respect to table 1 or table 2.

1 Answers

Use merge_asof for merge on nearest key

In [2484]: pd.merge_asof(df1, df2, on='Mark')
  Student  Mark Symbol
0    John    65      C
1   Peter    75      B
2   Jason    79      B


In [2485]: df1
  Student  Mark
0    John    65
1   Peter    75
2   Jason    79

In [2486]: df2
   Mark Symbol
0    50      D
1    60      C
2    70      B
3    80      A
like image 151
Zero Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 06:11
