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Visual swing in Eclipse

Is there any way I can use a visual editor to make swing applications in Eclipse? I'm using Ganymede.

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user29772 Avatar asked Feb 19 '09 06:02


People also ask

How do you get a swing in Eclipse?

a) Download and install from Update Site Check "JFormDesigner" in the list of available software and click Next. Review the items to be installed and click Next. If requested, accept the license agreement and click Finish to start the download and installation. Restart Eclipse.

Does Eclipse support Java Swing?

You can use Swing components inside a Eclipse plugin.

2 Answers

Your options are:

  1. WindowBuilder Pro (eclipse.org): "WindowBuilder is a powerful and easy to use bi-directional Java GUI designer", see also WindowBuilder Pro on code.google.com.

  2. Visual Swing for Eclipse - an editor that works directly with the .java source files. Notes:

    1. The update url on the front page is wrong (issue 115), should instead be: http://visualswing4eclipse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/vs4e/
    2. You have to untick "Group items by category" to be able to see the install.
    3. The original announcement of visual swing for eclipse.
    4. Crashed for me when opening a netbeans-generated swing file.

  3. Visual Editor from ehecht.com - someone's own version, last updated 2010-08-29: "prelininary [sic] eclipse 3.6 (helios) version" (direct download: ve_eclipse_36_win32_201008292115.zip) "These files are non official builds. So you use it on [sic] your own risk."

  4. Use NetBeans instead

    1. Built-in GUI editor
    2. Uses an xml file as the source for gui design, performing a one-way conversion
    3. Adds its own libraries to your project to support GUI creation.

  5. Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder for Eclipse and WebSphere - Note: Jigloo is free for non-commercial use, but purchase of a Professional License is required for commercial use (after successfully evaluating Jigloo).

Options no longer viable / available:

  • Official "Visual Editor", archived by eclipse: (Archived: June 2011), the matching install instructions at http://wiki.eclipse.org/VE/Update, and the outdated article / tutorial at http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-VE-Custom-Widget/customwidget.html, see also Is eclipse visual editor dead?

This is a summary of all the other answers to this question as it took me a while to make sense of them.

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Tim Abell Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Tim Abell

I use Jigloo a fair bit and it is quite good. Can generate GUIs for both Swing and SWT. Free for non-commercial use, and pretty affordable at $US85 per developer for commercial use. Works fine with 3.4 (Ganymede).

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Evan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10
