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Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project


I opened a C# project that was created in VS 2010 SP, with VS 2012. A one-way conversion window appeared where I proceeded with the conversion.

Upon completion I got the following warning:

Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in this version and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior.

...but it doesn't say which non-functional changes. Can someone clue me in?

like image 854
Howie Avatar asked Jan 28 '13 15:01


2 Answers

I'm unsure as to why exactly this happens but I found that after first opening a VS2010 SharePoint 2010 project in VS2012 amongst other changes the following nodes were added to the .csproj file:

<ProjectMode>SharePointCustomization</ProjectMode> <TargetOfficeVersion>15.0</TargetOfficeVersion> <FileUpgradeFlags>0</FileUpgradeFlags> <UpgradeBackupLocation>blah\blah\blah</UpgradeBackupLocation> <OldToolsVersion>4.0</OldToolsVersion> 

I found that if I manually edited the csproj file and removed the following three nodes the next time I opened the project no upgrade logs opened and the issue was resolved:

<FileUpgradeFlags>0</FileUpgradeFlags> <UpgradeBackupLocation>blah\blah\blah</UpgradeBackupLocation> <OldToolsVersion>4.0</OldToolsVersion> 
like image 170
Adam Cox Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Adam Cox

Removing the content of the nodes 'FileUpgradeFlags', 'OldToolsVersion' in the .csproj File solves the Problem.

<FileUpgradeFlags></FileUpgradeFlags> <OldToolsVersion></OldToolsVersion> 
like image 27
user3181999 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
