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Visual Studio Code transparent window?


A have a small resolution on my PC so it's not very convenient to work in several tabs at the same time like: open console window, browser, code editor and some other stuff.

Console has a very cool feature: a transparent background, so it's very very comfortabe to type something in console while looking to some learning material in browser through the trasparent background.

So I guessed if there any way to make VS Code transparent so i can write code and research in browser at the same time not Alt-Tabing any time I have to switch, so I dont have to interrupt my workflow such often.

like image 690
MaxOk Avatar asked Jun 25 '16 17:06


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1 Answers

Use VS Code extension


enter image description here search in extension search bar

just install and enjoy it works great !

like image 159
Mayur Satav Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Mayur Satav