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Visual Studio Code Tab Key does not insert a tab

People also ask

How do I insert a tab in Visual Studio Code?

This keybinding will insert an tab character even when the current mode is spaces. It's incredible how hard it is to find how to do this simple thing. I suggest to use the shortcut "key": "ctrl+k tab" that is the default "prefix" for combined keys shortcut. ctrl+v tab is inline with VI/VIM.

I had accidentally enabled a different mode for the tab key. Fixed it by pressing Cmd+Shift+M (for Mac), or Ctrl+M (for Windows).

From the Visual Studio Code Keybinding docs:

| Key      | Command                                 | Command id                       |
| Ctrl + M | Toggle Use of Tab Key for Setting Focus | editor.action.toggleTabFocusMode |

The current tab control mode should also show up in the status bar:

enter image description here

To fix the issue

Pressing ctrl+M causes the ⇥ Tab key to move focus instead of inserting a ⇥ Tab character.
Turn it off by pressing the shortcut again.

To disable the shortcut

  1. Open "Keyboard Shortcuts" with ctrl+K, then ctrl+S.
    Or go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  2. Search for toggle tab key moves focus.
  3. Right Click, Remove Keybinding.

Click "Tab Moves Focus" at the bottom right in the status bar.

I believe I had clicked on ctrl+M. When doing this, the "Tab Moves Focus" tab/button showed up at the bottom right. Clicking on that makes it go away and starts working again.

enter image description here

Click on the explorer or any other window that is not the editor then press Ctrl + Shift (for Mac only) + M, this is the command to "Toggle Tab Key Moves Focus" on the Keyboard Shortcuts.

In, my case I followed this advice and changed this emmet setting in vscode to false:

"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": false

I was receinving the error Cannot read property 'value' of null. It solved the problem immediatelly.

Try CTR + M it will work like before.