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Visual studio code notification asking if I want to exclude Java project settings files or not

I suddenly got this notification when open a flutter project in vs code: Do you want to exclude the Visual Studio Code Java project settings files (.classpath, .project. .settings, .factorypath) from the file explorer? (options: Exclude Globally, Exclude in Workspace, Never)

I chose Never for the time being, but I was wondering what it even implies?

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Jaime Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 18:09


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1 Answers

This is a prompt that comes from the Java extension from VS Code:


I guess it's asking whether you want those java-related project files to show up in the VS Code explorer side bar, or be hidden (if you choose to exclude, it will write exclusions into your VS Code settings so they are hidden).

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Danny Tuppeny Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Danny Tuppeny