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Visual Studio 2017 SSDT offline install

I require an offline install for SSDT for Visual Studio 2017. Or how to hack the online download. (note not VS itself I have that offline install). I have used the online download to obtain the .vsix files but I need a way to install them.

  • Double click doesn't work,
  • Rename to .zip and extract and place them in the folder doesn't work.
  • There is an ISO available but it's only for 2015

Any help would be appreciated

like image 602
Adsgray Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 20:10


1 Answers

You can download the offline layout using /layout input.

SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /layout c:\vs2017ssdt

You can find out what parameters can be sent in, if you enter

SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /?

Once you have the offline layout of ssdt installer, you can copy it to a machine that doesnt have internet access and install there.

like image 191
Taavi Koosaar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Taavi Koosaar