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Visual Studio 2015 does not install Android SDK for Xamarin


People also ask

How do I fix Android SDK not found?

The Cause for this error -SDK tools package might not be installed. Quick fix: Go to the Tools –> SDK manager –> SDK tools. Deselect Hide obsolete packages option on the right bottom and further install Android SDK Tools(obsolete). A new folder named Tools is now generated in the SDK directory.

How do I install Android SDK?

Install the SDKClick Tools > SDK Manager. In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 12. In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 31. Click OK to install the SDK.

I am moving towards Xamarin for cross-platform application development. I already had VS2015 installed, I downloaded Xamarin tools(vstoolsforxamarin.exe) from their website and when I install them after a long wait VS says "setup completed with errors"and it does not download and install Android SDK for API 19,20,23, It always say:"Please check your internet connection and try again" and i am sure that my internet connection doesn't get disturbed during all this process. I have tried this 3 times now, tried by uninstalling VS2015, installing it again but got the same error. What is the problem that is causing this? I already have Android Studio installed, with its SDK manager. Any help would be appreciated, that to get Xamarin running in VS2015.


Solution: I already had Android Studio and its SDK on my system, going to Tools>Options>Xamarin and giving path of the Android SDK solved my problem.