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Visual Studio 2012 Fakes - How do I verify a method was called?

Coming from using Moq, I'm used to being able to Setup mocks as Verifiable. As you know, this is handy when you want to ensure your code under test actually called a method on a dependency.

e.g. in Moq:

// Set up the Moq mock to be verified
mockDependency.Setup(x => x.SomethingImportantToKnow()).Verifiable("Darn, this did not get called.");
target = new ClassUnderTest(mockDependency);
// Act on the object under test, using the mock dependency
// Verify the mock was called.

I've been using VS2012's "Fakes Framework" (for lack of knowing a better name for it), which is quite slick and I'm starting to prefer it to Moq, as it seems a bit more expressive and makes Shims easy. However, I can't figure out how to reproduce behavior similar to Moq's Verifiable/Verify implementation. I found the InstanceObserver property on the Stubs, which sounds like it might be what I want, but there's no documentation as of 9/4/12, and I'm not clear how to use it, if it's even the right thing.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on doing something like Moq Verifiable/Verify with VS2012's Fakes?

-- 9/5/12 Edit --
I realized a solution to the problem, but I'd still like to know if there's a built-in way to do it with VS2012 Fakes. I'll leave this open a little while for someone to claim if they can. Here's the basic idea I have (apologies if it doesn't compile).

public class ClassUnderTestTests
    private class Arrangements
        public ClassUnderTest Target;
        public bool SomethingImportantToKnowWasCalled = false;  // Create a flag!
        public Arrangements()
            var mockDependency = new Fakes.StubIDependency  // Fakes sweetness.
                SomethingImportantToKnow = () => { SomethingImportantToKnowWasCalled = true; }  // Set the flag!
            Target = new ClassUnderTest(mockDependency);

    public void DoThingThatShouldUseTheDependency_Condition_Result()
        // arrange
        var arrangements = new Arrangements();
        // act
        // assert
        Assert.IsTrue(arrangements.SomethingImportantToKnowWasCalled);  // Voila!

-- 9/5/12 End edit --

like image 634
Todd Sprang Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 18:09

Todd Sprang

People also ask

How can you check if a method was called using a mock?

Mockito verify() method can be used to test number of method invocations too. We can test exact number of times, at least once, at least, at most number of invocation times for a mocked method. We can use verifyNoMoreInteractions() after all the verify() method calls to make sure everything is verified.

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1 Answers

Since I've heard no better solutions, I'm calling the edits from 9/5/12 the best approach for now.

EDIT Found the magic article that describes best practices. http://www.peterprovost.org/blog/2012/11/29/visual-studio-2012-fakes-part-3/

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Todd Sprang Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Todd Sprang