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Visual Studio 2010 Find and Replace dialog on dual monitors is whacked

Is anyone else having issues with the find and replace dialog in Visual Studio 2010?

For as many improvements that have been made for multi monitor support is VS, this is making me crazy.

Whenever I open up the Find and Replace dialog in VS 2010, it often straddles the two monitors. The other dialogs, like Navigate To seem to always work.

Is this making anyone else go a little batty, or is it just me?

Anyone have a fix? Find and Replace VS extension?

There is a hotfix out for this issue now (KB2268081): http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads

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Scott P Avatar asked Jun 04 '10 00:06

Scott P

4 Answers

The Find and Replace dialog is now dockable. Dock it with the Properties window, as a good place to start.

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Cylon Cat Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Cylon Cat

Yeah, I noticed the same, it can get pretty annoying.

Based on feedback in Microsoft Connect this is a known issue that should be fixed for VS 2010 SP1.


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krolth Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10


You may try to use Actual Window Manager (http://www.actualtools.com/windowmanager/) to manage The Find and Replace dialog. Just create a specific rule to save size and position of the dialog and The Find and Replace dialog will appear at the same plase as you closed it last time.

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Michael Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10


Open Extension Manager - VS2010, Download and install 2 extensions of the most downloads. And restart your VS, you will find that Find and replace box will just like VS2012

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user2230792 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10
