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Visual Studio 2010 : change shortcut "delete whole line"

I change from Eclipse to Visual Studio. I feel convenient when pressing Ctrl+D will delete whole line.

I read a tip saying that to change the shortcut keyboard, go to : Tool>Option>Keyboard.

But when I go there, there are so many options, that I don't know which one changes shortcut for delete whole line.

@ : I'm using VS 2010, but at option :apply the following addition keyboard mapping scheme just has C# 2005 that I think it should be C# 2010. Does it have any problems?

Thanks :)

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hqt Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 02:12


1 Answers

I don't have time to test it but I believe Edit.LineDelete is the one you should look at. By default it is Ctrl+Shift+L

Also my Visual Studio 2010 only has C# 2005 as well so I guess these shortcuts haven't changed much in 7 years. :)

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Spencer Ruport Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 00:12

Spencer Ruport