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Visual C++ 2008 Linking (specifically embedding manifest) taking too long

Normally I would refrain from asking vague questions but in this case I cannot find enough information to even start looking into fixing the issue.

My project is small (to give you an idea: Vector/Matrix math, and some core data structures such as Arrays, Lists and Strings). Some other much bigger projects I tried link really quickly and do not spend too much time embedding the manifest.

I am compiling the debug version of the library. Release version exhibits the same problem.

I would appreciate pointing me in the right direction on where to find information regarding this (I don't even know what the manifest is apart from simple explanations).

like image 302
Samaursa Avatar asked Oct 28 '11 14:10


1 Answers

As Hans Passant mentioned, the problem was caused by the virus scanner. Adding an exception to the folder and file extensions related to the compiler fixes the issue.

like image 134
Samaursa Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
