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visibility hidden on react native not working, to take space even not shown?



I have TouchableOpacity in a space between flex container that I want to take space even not shown,

My code:

  style={showClear && { visibility: 'hidden' }}
  onPress={() => this.props.clearCompleted()}>
  <Text>Clear Completed</Text>

display: none works but it doesn't take space, the code above dont work but does in web?

like image 568
gpbaculio Avatar asked Mar 04 '19 03:03


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2 Answers

In my case, I needed to use the element, so I did something like this:

<TextInput style={{opacity: 0, height: 0}} {...props} />

I hope this works for someone else with my problem.

like image 108
Oriana Ruiz Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 21:09

Oriana Ruiz


React Native's StyleSheet now supports toggling visibility using display: 'none' and display:flex.

Not all CSS are supported in React Native, that include visibility: hidden or display:none.

To hide a component, not to render it at all, render empty View or null. Or you want to switch a component visibility, verify react's state

   { !showClear && (
         onPress={() => this.props.clearCompleted()}>
         <Text>Clear Completed</Text>

showClear is kept in state

like image 27
Ponleu Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09
