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Vim ESLint not approved or denied yet

I am new to vim and stumble across a problem. I was working on another TS project and ESlint worked fine and I even enable format on save. But upon changing the project, the linter stopped working and I no longer have the format on save or any type of help, any one knows how to solve this?

I am using Coc's coc-eslint

I have all the modules installed and the linter works fine on my vscode ...

Here is a print of the problem

like image 510
Pedro Dimas Avatar asked Mar 16 '21 10:03

Pedro Dimas

1 Answers

Turns out the fix is simple! Type

:CocCommand eslint.showOutputChannel

And accept it!

like image 73
Pedro Dimas Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10

Pedro Dimas