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Viewing tables of data in R



I've mostly used head(), tail(), and View() to look at tables in R, but I wonder if anyone uses anything more sophisticated. I recall reading that there were R <-> Excel interfaces available (based on COM or XLLoop?) - does anyone use one to use Excel (or OpenOffice) to display data frames during an R session, and not necessarily just result the final result exported to a csv file?

Edit: Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess I should have specified that I was running Emacs+ESS on a Mac primarily (which disqualifies COM and Deducer), though I also switch to Linux and Windows on occasion. I guess View() still is the best multi-platform solution that I could find...

like image 731
hatmatrix Avatar asked Nov 09 '10 21:11


2 Answers

You can use the basic data editor to view the data

like image 136
Thierry Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10


You can run utils::View(data).

Another option would be to open a new RStudio window. One can do this (on linux at least) simply by running in the terminal : rstudio If one wants to be able to close the terminal afterwards, just run

nohup rstudio &
like image 24
bixiou Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
