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view tags of a docker image from index.docker.io?





How does one view what tags are available for a docker image on index.docker.io before pulling? Using sudo docker pull debian will get me all the tags associated with debian which I don't need.

like image 213
Sindhu S Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 21:03

Sindhu S

People also ask

How do I get a docker image tag?

Simply head over to Docker Hub, choose a tag, and each time you pull the image, you'll get the latest version pushed by the authors. The downside of this is that each time a Docker tag is pulled, the latest version is used, and this is often not what you want if you value build reproducibility, and you really should!

Which command is used to list all available image tags for the httpd container image?

Together with jq --raw-output you can get a plain list of tags: skopeo --override-os linux list-tags docker://httpd | jq --raw-output .

Which command is used to see the details of an image in docker?

docker inspect This command is used see the details of an image or container.

1 Answers

As of today the Docker registry exposes this in the index. See, for example, the Ubuntu base image tags which shows each tag and the filesystem contents of each layer. Via the API:

$ curl https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/ubuntu/tags
[{"layer": "9cd978db300e27386baa9dd791bf6dc818f13e52235b26e95703361ec3c94dc6", "name": "latest"}, {"layer": "9cc9ea5ea540116b89e41898dd30858107c1175260fb7ff50322b34704092232", "name": "10.04"}, ...
like image 185
Ben Whaley Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Ben Whaley