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View PDF on a Lightbox

My pdf file is not showing on a lightbox, its just keeps loading but when i put it using an iframe it shows. I uploaded the pdf on a cpanel and i just want it to view on a light box.

Here's my code in an iframe, which is working:

<p><iframe src="url/of/.pdf" width="600" height="780"></iframe></p>

Here's my lightbox code which is not showing the pfd:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/javascript/jquery/plugins/fancybox/fancybox.css" media="screen">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/jquery/plugins/fancybox/fancybox.js?b84fd"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

/* This is basic - uses default settings */


/* Using custom settings */

'hideOnContentClick': true

/* Apply fancybox to multiple items */

'transitionIn'    :    'elastic',
'transitionOut'    :    'elastic',
'speedIn'     :    600,
'speedOut'     :    200,
'overlayShow'    :    false



<p><a class="iframe" href="url/of/.pdf">Zero</a></p>

Hope anyone could help me.

like image 567
zen Avatar asked May 02 '14 02:05


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To open the PDF file in the lightbox, the PDF file must be uploaded and hosted on the same WordPress. In your WordPress dashboard, goto left menu Media -> Add New, click the Select Files button, select your PDF file and upload it.

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There are 3 steps in this tutorial: 1 Install Wonder Lightbox and Wonder PDF Embed 2 Upload PDF file to WordPress Media Library and get the URL 3 Activate PDF lightbox popup on button, image or text: Open PDF lightbox popup when clicking a button Open PDF lightbox popup when clicking an image Open PDF ...

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In Text mode, click the link button to insert a link. After you have added the link, switch the classic editor the Text mode, then add class="wplightbox" to the <a> tag. You can also add data tag data-width, data-height to specify the size of the lightbox popup.

How to create a Lightbox Popup in WordPress?

First please install the plugin Wonder Lightbox and Wonder PDF Embed. Wonder Lightbox is a premium WordPress plugin to create lightbox popup. You can download the free version from the plugin home page, test it, make sure it works for you before upgrading to a commercial version.

1 Answers

It is always better to took for errors either in the chrome's console or firefox's firebug when things don't work for you. In your case if you had looked, you'd have seen 'Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined', which means you need to use jquery for fancybox to work. Also you need to include jquery mousewheel and jquery easing along with fancybox.js.

Here's a working demo for you. http://jsfiddle.net/g36YD/7/

<p><a class="iframe" href="http://contents.tacticalasia.com/download/511-Tactical-Catalog-2012.pdf">Zero</a></p>

'width': 640, // or whatever you want
'height': 480, // or whatever you want
'type': 'iframe'
like image 63
shubhra Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
