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Vertical align with bootstrap not working


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How do I vertically align text in bootstrap 5?

Aligning content to the center of the DIV is very simple in Bootstrap 5, You just have to convert the div into a flex box using d-flex class property and then use the property align-items-center to vertically align the content in the middle of the div.

How do I vertically align text in bootstrap 4?

One way to vertically center is to use my-auto . This will center the element within it's flexbox container (The Bootstrap 4 . row is display:flex ). For example, h-100 makes the row full height, and my-auto will vertically center the col-sm-12 column.

How do I vertically align a div in bootstrap 4?

Answer: Use the align-items-center Class In Bootstrap 4, if you want to vertically align a <div> element in the center or middle, you can simply apply the class align-items-center on the containing element.

How do I center align an image vertically in bootstrap 5?

In Bootstrap 5, if we want to vertically align an <div> element in the middle of a containing element, we can do this by applying the class align-items-center and d-flex on the containing element of that div. Here, the d-flex class has the same effect as that of the display: flex; property in CSS. Example: HTML.

Maybe I don't have it setup right? I've been looking at code for the past 3 hours so it's possible I'm over looking something. Either way I have this h3 in a div and I want it to be centered both horizontally and vertically, however only horizontal is working.

<div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="align-items-center" style="background-image:url({{ uni.u_homepage_pic.url }}); background-repeat:no-repeat; width: 350px; height: 225px;">
        <h3 class="text-center" style="color:#ffffff;">{{ uni.u_name }</h3>

Update: Using Bootstrap V4