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versions:display-plugin-updates does not understand maven-enforcer-plugin

So, I'm trying to use the latest version of some plugins. Earlier I've used the prerequisites-tag but lots of resources (example) say that it should be considered deprecated and that the maven-enforcer-plugin should be used instead. this is my configuration:

<plugin>   <inherited>true</inherited>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>   <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>   <version>1.3.1</version>   <executions>     <execution>       <id>enforce-maven-3</id>       <goals>         <goal>enforce</goal>       </goals>       <configuration>         <rules>           <requireMavenVersion>             <version>3.0.4</version>           </requireMavenVersion>         </rules>         <fail>true</fail>       </configuration>     </execution>   </executions> </plugin> 

However, when I run mvn versions:display-plugin-updates I still get this text:

[ERROR] Project does not define required minimum version of Maven. [ERROR] Update the pom.xml to contain [ERROR]     <prerequisites> [ERROR]       <maven>3.0</maven> [ERROR]     </prerequisites> [INFO] [INFO] Require Maven 2.0.6 to use the following plugin updates: [INFO]   maven-jar-plugin ................................................ 2.4 [INFO]   maven-shade-plugin ............................................ 1.7.1 [INFO] [INFO] Require Maven 2.2.1 to use the following plugin updates: [INFO]   maven-jar-plugin ................................................ 2.6 [INFO] [INFO] Require Maven 3.0 to use the following plugin updates: [INFO]   maven-shade-plugin .............................................. 2.3 

Using the prerequisites-tag instead works.

like image 353
Richo Avatar asked Mar 30 '15 11:03


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1 Answers

It seems like this issue has been reported here (credits go to Aleksandr M for finding this).

Apparently, the display-dependency-updates goal relies on the prerequisites element to find out the Maven version required by the current project and totally ignores the enforcer-plugin, even though the prerequisites-tag should not be used normally, it is required in order to get the dependency plugin to behave as expected.

like image 138
Richo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
