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Versioning REST API of an ASP.NET MVC application

I'm looking at developing an application in ASP.NET MVC 3 and would like to provide a public API at the same time.

From looking around, there seems to be 2 ways to go about it. Either create an API area and have controllers that return json / xml. Or use action filters and a single front end set of controllers, and have those return json / xml / html depending on the request headers.

I'd like to do the later, but I was wondering how you could go about versioning your api if you went this route?

If you go the first route, you could easily just create a v1 / v2 controller, but if you do the later, how could you version it?

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Matt Brailsford Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 16:02

Matt Brailsford

2 Answers

Versioning is a rather complex issue to begin with. Here are ways I looked at before:

  1. URL. In this case https://api.example.com/v1/projects is assumed to be a different resource than http://api.example.com/v2/projects, even though its not the case. Basecamp seems to do this. Following this approach, assume you'll always have to support old APIs.
  2. Headers. The URLs remains the same, however, the client pass an additional HTTP header, say X-MYAPI-VERSION with each request with a value identifying the version of the API to use. The Google Documents List API do this. A potential problem with this approach is that HTTP headers may be stripped by intermediaries between the client and server.
  3. Parameters. To circumvent the problem with option 2, you can pass the API version to use as a parameter (such as https://api.example.com/projects?v=3).
  4. Media types. Here your URLs stay the same, however, users are required to specify the representation of the resources using the accept and content type headers. For example, a "project" can be presented using "application/vnd.mycompany.resource[-version][+format]" giving your representations of "application/vnd.mycompany.project-v1+json" for v1 json or "application/vnd.mycompany.project-v1+xml" for v1 xml. When you need a new version of a project comes along the mime type may look as follows "application/vnd.mycompany.project-v2+xml". Github seems to support that.
  5. Part of payload. In this case the payload of the request contains the version number to use. For example, when XML is passed, you can look at the namespace to determine which version of the API is being used. For JSON, you can use a "$version" or "_version" property to specify the version.
  6. Client Key. When the application is registered, it specifies which version of the API it wants to use. When you authenticate the client, you ensure that you emulate the version it wants to use.
  7. No explicit versioning There is always the option not to version your API and try to handle changes transparently by making all fields optional and handle them appropriately when they are missing. Chances are you will be doing this anyways to make future versions of your API compatible with the version you are developing today.

Many recommend option 4, although its not always practical. Most of these options require additional work to get working with ASP.NET MVC.

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bloudraak Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11


You can go one of two routes - you can include the API in the route (instead of http://app.lication/category/1 you would have something like http://app.lication/api/v1/category/1) or you could include a custom HTTP header.

Either will allow you to discriminate which version's being called.

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48klocs Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11
