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Verifying Auth0 JWT throws invalid algorigthm

I have created an Auth0 client, I am logging in and receive this token:


What I am trying to do now is to verify the token using jsonwebtoken. The token is signed with an RS256 algorithm.

I downloaded the signing certificate as a .pem and I am successfully using it to verify the token like this:

var cert = fs.readFileSync('certificate.pem');
jwt.verify(token, cert, {algorithm: 'RS256'}, (err, decoded) => {

What I want to do and it doesn't work is verifying the token using the secret (which is called Client Secret in the Auth0 client settings and is a string).

jwt.verify(token, MYSECRET, {algorithm: 'RS256'}, (err, decoded) => {

This code always throws an error:

{ JsonWebTokenError: invalid algorithm
    at Object.module.exports [as verify] (C:\code\aws\learn-authorizer\node_modules\jsonwebtoken\verify.js:90:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\code\aws\learn-authorizer\testme.js:25:5)
    at Module._compile (module.js:624:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:635:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:545:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:508:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:500:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:665:10)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)
    at bootstrap_node.js:608:3 name: 'JsonWebTokenError', message: 'invalid algorithm' }

My question is: how can I verify the RS256 token using the secret key as opposed to using the certificate file? (I also tried creating a new client which is using the HS256 algorithm, but I get the same error).

like image 758
Roco CTZ Avatar asked Nov 05 '17 07:11

Roco CTZ

People also ask

Does JWT verify throw error?

jwt.verify(token, secretOrPublicKey, [options, callback]) (Synchronous) If a callback is not supplied, function acts synchronously. Returns the payload decoded if the signature is valid and optional expiration, audience, or issuer are valid. If not, it will throw the error.

Why is my JWT signature invalid?

For Invalid JWT Signature, check if your service account key has expired. Go to your APIs & Services to add a new key if it has.

What is express JWT?

This module provides Express middleware for validating JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) through the jsonwebtoken module. The decoded JWT payload is available on the request object.

2 Answers

If you are using only a secret key then using RS256 won't work, as it's based on a private/public key pair. Using only a secret key usually indicates H256. In my answer I assume that what you call MYSECRET is just the content of certificate.pem.

Anyways, I would assume your string has to contain




or PUBLIC instead of PRIVATE.

You can see this in source. The lines mentioned in your error message contains:

if (!~options.algorithms.indexOf(header.alg)) {
  return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid algorithm'));

and options.algorithms is defined as

if (!options.algorithms) {
  options.algorithms = ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN CERTIFICATE') ||
                       ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN PUBLIC KEY') ?
                        [ 'RS256','RS384','RS512','ES256','ES384','ES512' ] :
                       ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY') ?
                        [ 'RS256','RS384','RS512' ] :
                        [ 'HS256','HS384','HS512' ];


If you don't have the RSA things at the start and end it will look for the following algorithms: 'HS256','HS384','HS512'.

I haven't used RS256 with JWT before, but I have used it with ssh, and I know that it's very sensitive to having the header. The string has to be in the exactly correct format.

like image 165
Mika Sundland Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Mika Sundland

You need to specify the allowed algorithms as an Array of Strings, instead of an algorithm String.

jwt.verify(token, MYSECRET, { algorithms: ['RS256'] });
like image 33
JBallin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
