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Verify that all text input fields are empty with Selenium

I want to verify that all input text fields are empty with Selenium IDE/Webdriver. Suppose if there is a method that can return all HTML input elements with the attribute "text" or "textarea", then I could iterate over all of them and check if the text context is empty.

But I cannot find such a method. What other ways can I do this?


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user1028980 Avatar asked Nov 04 '11 02:11


3 Answers

Consider that .text will not work on input fields and you MUST get the value attribute.

bool areAllFieldsClear()
    var myFields = driver.FindElements(By.Xpath("//input"));
    foreach(var field in myFields)
       if(field.GetAttribute("value") != "") {
           return false;  //field.Clear(); maybe?
    return true;
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Highstead Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


Here's how I do it. I catch all of the inputs text and textarea and password in some cases and store those elements in a list of IWebElements. Then I can iterate through the list and verify whatever I want.

private List<IWebElement> GetTextFields(IWebDriver driver)

 List<IWebElement> textFields;

 catch {
  //throw exception or log exception

 try {
 catch {
  //throw exception or log exception

textFields.RemoveRange(i => !i.Displayed); //removes all hidden fields

return textFields

here's how you can verify no text with that list.

foreach(IWebElement element in textFields)
 if(element.text != "")
  //log error or throw exception
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CBRRacer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10


did u tried.


This will give you a list of all webelements available on the page using the locator u specified.

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Varun Menon Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Varun Menon