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Vehicle 2 Vehicle Communication Questions

I have a rare opportunity to meet the man in charge of implementing vehicle 2 vehicle communication for the US Department of Transportation with 2 others in a few hours.

Do YOU have any questions for him?

I know this is a little outside the normal, but this is a 'reverse' thread and I felt he has some great knowledge on the subject that I want to share with this community.

I'll post his answers later today to his questions.

Ask about V2V implementation, privacy issues, use cases, or if you've thought of a great way to use V2V and want me to share it with him, he can at least think about it. He is in charge of panel that creates the standard. Or anything else...

I'm more interested in sharing great uses for V2V if you can think of any... I'll give credit, promise... particularly because he may not hear them on a day to day basis.

Here's a good primer on the subject if you want to contribute something original. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/news/4213544

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Phil Salesses Avatar asked Nov 15 '22 10:11

Phil Salesses

1 Answers


Retransmission could greatly improve the lifetime of useful information. By useful I mean stuff like "it's slick right here", or "cop right here". A message that is continually retransmitted would long out original producer.

Using the black ice example.

north bound car x find black ice as GPS pos B. car x passes southbound car y and transmits this information. Car y is at GPS pos A and now warns that it will soon be approaching GPS pos B and that it might be slick. While at position B car y doesn't find it to be slick. car y passes northbound car z at pos C and retransmits car x's message about the black ice with the added info that the southbound lane might not be slick. car z warns its driver that is approaching GPS pos B and that the northbound lane might be slick.

This could continue on with each car adding information about which lanes a slick. Car with different findings would not erase each other, just add.

the issues i see here: protocol for position sensitive information time sensitive information (the message eventually needs to go away). ability to add to messages, vehicle voting on slickness etc.

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deft_code Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 10:12
