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veeValidate 3.x + Nuxt js: push a custom error to ValidationObserver


I'm using Nuxt + veeValidate 3.x

My plugin looks like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import {
} from 'vee-validate'
import { required, email, min, confirmed } from 'vee-validate/dist/rules'

extend('required', {
  message: 'This field is required'
extend('email', email)
extend('min', min)
extend('confirmed', confirmed)
Vue.component('ValidationProvider', ValidationProvider)
Vue.component('ValidationObserver', ValidationObserver) 

Added as a plugin into nuxt.config.js plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/vee-validate.js', ssr: false }, .. The template looks like this:

<ValidationObserver ref="registrationForm"> 
   <ValidationProvider rules="required|email" name="Email Address" v-slot="{ errors }">
     <input type="text" v-model.lazy="user.email"/>
     <span class=form-errors">{{ errors[0] }}</span>

The validation works perfectly this way:

methods: {
   async submit() {
      const isValid = await this.$refs.registrationForm.validate()
      if (isValid) {

But I may get some errors from the API side during the execution of this.register() (Ex: error: email is already exists). How do I push received errors into validating errors array (if there such)? the old way as this.errors.add() doesn't work (of course) anymore. I've read about ErrorBag, but I just dont understand how do I import/export it in the plugin

like image 315
Shirker Avatar asked Dec 26 '19 07:12


People also ask

What is ValidationObserver?

The ValidationObserver is a component that wraps your forms and provides aggregated validation state for all the fields nested under it using scoped slots . For more information on how to use the ValidationObserver , see Forms Guide.

How do you use Veevalidate?

All you need is to add the v-validate directive to the input you wish to validate and make sure your input has a name attribute for error messages generation. Then, pass to the directive a rules string which contains a list of validation rules separated by a pipe ' | '.

Is NUXT JS production ready?

Fortunately, Nuxt comes with a ready-made production configuration that is not locked for you. That is, if you want to override any smart defaults or pre-configurations you can edit the nuxt.

1 Answers

Use vee-validate's .setErrors()

Finally I found the answer here: Handling Backend Validation

When you get a return from the API on the submission attempt, you can tell the user about errors by seting a custom error message, for example:

this.$refs.registrationForm.setErrors({ email: ['Your email does\'t look good enough! Try again!'] })

...or you could just pass the error message sent from the API. In this example we're going it on the catch():

catch (error) {
like image 165
Shirker Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
