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Vectors Classes Private/Public

In C++ is always better to keep data of a class as private members.
If a class has a vector as member is better to put it as a private or public member?

If I have a vector as private member I cannot easily access to the member function of the vector. So I have to design the class with a method for every function I need to access the vector methods?

Example given:

class MyClass{
     std::vector<int> _myints;
     get_SizeMyints(){return _myints.size();}
     add_IntToMyints(int x){_myints.push_back(x));

or is better to keep the vector public and call MyClass._myints.push_back(x)?


and just for clarity for what is needed this question:


enum directions{UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, IN, OUT, FW, RW };

class Snake
    enum directions head_dir;
    int cubes_taken;
    float score;
    struct_color snake_color;
    V4 head_pos;


    std::vector<Polygon4> p_list; //the public vector which should be private...

    V4 get_head_pos();
    Polygon4 create_cube(V4 point);
    void initialize_snake();
    void move(directions);

    void set_head_dir(directions dir);
    directions get_head_dir();
    void sum_cubes_taken(int x);
    int get_cube_taken();

    void sum_score(float x);
    float get_score();

    void set_snake_color();


so now I know how to change the code.

btw... a question, if I need to copy the vector in an other class like this: GlBox.p_list = Snake.p_list (works if are private) what will be an efficent method if they where private?
Running a for cycle to copy the the elements and pusshing back them in the GLBox.p_list seems a bit inefficent to me (but may be just an impression) :(

like image 289
Pella86 Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 21:01


2 Answers

If it doesn't matter if someone comes along and empties the vector or rearranges all it's elements, then make it public. If it matters, then yes, you should make it protected/private, and make public wrappers like you have. [Edit] Since you say "it's a snake", that means it'd be bad if someone came and removed or replaced bits. Ergo, you should make it protected or private. [/Edit]

You can simplify a lot of them:

MyClass {
     std::vector<int> _myints;
     const std::vector<int>& get_ints() const {return _myints;}
     add_IntToMyints(int x){_myints.push_back(x));

That get_ints() function will allow someone to look at the vector all they want, but won't let them change anything. However, better practice is to encapsulate the vector entirely. This will allow you to replace the vector with a deque or list or something else later on. You can get the size with std::distance(myobj.ints_begin(), myobj.ints_end());

MyClass {
     std::vector<int> _myints;
     typedef std::vector<int>::const_iterator const_iterator;
     const_iterator ints_begin() const {return _myints.begin();}
     const_iterator ints_end() const {return _myints.end();}
     add_IntToMyints(int x){_myints.push_back(x));
like image 155
Mooing Duck Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 09:01

Mooing Duck

For good encapsulation, you should keep your vector private.

like image 43
Chris Jester-Young Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 09:01

Chris Jester-Young