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VBScript - switching focus to window using AppActivate



We have multiple TVs each connected to a different computer. The goal is to display/setfocus on a continuous loop cycling through two applications. This has to be synchronized across all TVs. Originally i had set it up cycle through all the apps in the task bar by sending the alt+esc key. Which worked fine but had a hard time synchronizing it across all TVs. So i used the AppActivate to setfocus and switch between windows based on even/odd minute. It is now synchronized, but the screen seems to try to setfocus to the window every second therby causing the screen to flicker all the time. How can i avoid it??? Any suggestions??? Here is the part of the code.

' Loop lasts 1 second

intSleep = 1000

Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'repeat process indefinetly

Do while infiniteloop=0
    a = minute(time())
    intResult = a Mod 2  ' to check for even/odd minute

    If intResult = 0 Then
        'display window1
       if wshShell.AppActivate "Display - [Dashboard]" = false then
            wshShell.AppActivate "Display - [Dashboard]"
       end if

    ElseIf intResult = 1 Then
        'display window2
        if wshShell.AppActivate "Display - [TEST]" = false then
            wshShell.AppActivate "Display - [TEST]" 
       end if

    End If
    Wscript.Sleep intSleep

like image 415
choco Avatar asked Oct 15 '13 16:10


1 Answers

It flickers every second because the variable intResult equals 0 for the entire even minute. What you need is another variable, like "intLastResult".

At the end of your loop, you would set intLastResult=intResult, and re-do your IF statements for changing focus so they only execute when the current result differs from the previous result.

I.E. "If intResult=0 AND intLastResult=1 Then" or "If intResult=1 AND intLastResult=0 Then"

This way they should only fire once per minute.

like image 131
James Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
