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VbScript ADODB.RecordSet RecordCount returns -1



My question today is a rather simple one. What I have is a VB Module that contains the code to return me an ADODB.RecordSet object with records fetched from a SQL Query that has been executed. It works like this:

sSql_SerCheck = "SELECT DISTINCT Serial FROM dbo.WipReservedSerial WHERE  Serial LIKE '" & serialTempSearch
sSql_SerCheck = sSql_SerCheck & "' ORDER BY Serial DESC "

Then the results sit in object rs that is accessed like the following

 temp = rs(0) 'For the value at the first column for the first record
 rs.MoveNext  'This moves to the next record in the record set

Now what I am trying to do here is to the number of records contained within this recordset object. Now I did some research on the class and found there is a RecordCount att.

So what I want to do is simple:

if( rs.RecordCount > 0) then
    serCheck1 = rs(0)
    MsgBox serCheck1
end if

The problem is my RecordCount returns -1. I found this article http://www.w3schools.com/asp/prop_rs_recordcount.asp that states that record count will return -1 for the following:

Note: This property will return -1 for a forward-only cursor; the actual count for a static or keyset cursor; and -1 or the actual count for a dynamic cursor.

Note: The Recordset object must be open when calling this property. If this property is not supported it will return -1.

How do I get this object to return the correct number of records??

The code for the VB Module is added below:

Public cn, rs

'Specify pSQL as SQL Statement
Function dbGetRecordset(sSql)

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.CommandTimeout = 600
cn.Open(Conn & SystemVariables.CodeObject.CompanyDatabaseName)
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sSql, cn, 3, 3
End Function
like image 845
Ruaan Volschenk Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 11:02

Ruaan Volschenk

2 Answers

  1. As your rs.RecordCount > 0 just checks whether the recordset is not empty, you can avoid .Recordcount (and all it's problems) by testing for Not rs.EOF
  2. Don't trust secondary sources; the MS docs contain "... and either -1 or the actual count for a dynamic cursor, depending on the data source". So maybe your provider is to blame. In that case (or when you really need a specific number), a SELECT COUNT() would be a workaround
  3. Don't use magic numbers as in rs.Open sSql, cn, 3, 3, but define (and doublecheck) your Consts like adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, ...
like image 150
Ekkehard.Horner Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10


From Help

Set oRs = New ADODB.Recordset
oRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
oRs.Open sSQL, sConn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText

Help has a full description of Cursors in What is a Cursor (ADODB Programmers Guide - Windows Software Development Kit).

You'll burn resources either locally or on the server to get a record count. If you are going through the data anyway, just count them.

This is how to go through a recordset one at a time.

    Do While not .EOF
        Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
like image 24
Serenity Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10
