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VB.NET Get Only Year from Date

I'm pulling into a variable a datetime value. Now, I want to post this value back to my database, but I need it to be only the year digits. How do I get VB.NET to trim the month, day, and time off and just return the four character year (e.g. 2011)?

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Dave Mackey Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 23:04

Dave Mackey

4 Answers

I just had to do this for my VB program.

 Dim Year As Integer    
 Year = Convert.ToInt32(Now.ToString("yyyy"))

Use just "yy" if you want two digit year. Then, when you need to display it somewhere:

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Insub Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10


Date.Today.Year is what you're looking for, or for an existing date, just someDateVariable.Year

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ScottE Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10


i know this is a bit late to answer but, it wont hurt telling, try "year(now) " and load it to a variable Example:

Dim Year_in_Digits = Year(Now)
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jude.MMMM Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10


Dim myDate As DateTime = #1/1/2011#
Dim myYear As Int32 = myDate.Year
like image 3
Brandon Montgomery Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10

Brandon Montgomery