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VBA/Macro code to get the value of textbox

Sub CopyRandomRows()

 Windows("sample rnd.xlsm").Activate
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Windows("rnd sample draft.xlsm").Activate
    Sheets("Random Sample").Select

  Dim source As Range, target As Range, randCount&, data(), value, r&, rr&, c&

  Set source = Workbooks("sample rnd.xlsm").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:L5215")

  Set target = Workbooks("rnd sample draft.xlsm").Worksheets("Random Sample").Range("A2")

  randCount = 5

  data = source.value

  For r = 1 To randCount
    rr = 1 + Math.Round(VBA.rnd * (UBound(data) - 1))
    For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
      value = data(r, c)
      data(r, c) = data(rr, c)
      data(rr, c) = value

  target.Resize(randCount, UBound(data, 2)) = data

End Sub

This is my code. My problem is that I can only change the number of data i want if i change the code randCount = 5. I want to be able to use my TextBox and use it for defining how many data to get. I tried randCound = TextBox1.value and randCount = TextBox1.Text but does not seem to work. What am i missing? How do i get it work. thanks in advance

like image 773
markerbean Avatar asked Mar 18 '16 00:03


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Technically, there are two methods to interact with a cell in VBA: the range method and the cell method. We can use the range method like range(“A2”). The value will give us the value of the A2 cell, or we can use the cell method as cells(2,1). The value will also give us the value of A2 cells.

How do you show the value of a variable in VBA?

In the VBA editor go to the View menu and click on Locals Window. Each time F8 is pressed one line of VBA is executed. When the range MyRange is set, you can see that values appear for it in the Locals window. By examining the MyRange object you can drill down to see the values in it.

How do you add a TextBox value in VBA?

Example #2 – Setting Value to VBA TextBoxGo to Insert menu > click on UserForm. Step 2: From UserForm Tools, select TextBox and drag it to UserForm. Step 3: Insert a CommandButton under UserForm in the same way you added TextBox. Step 4: Change the caption of the command button to “Submit” under properties.

2 Answers

If TextBox1 is on a sheet named Main, then you can use this:


Better yet, you can give the sheet a CodeName of something like shtMain and then use


And finally, you can also get to the textbox through the shapes collection (but the methods above are preferable)...

like image 199
ThunderFrame Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10


You should be able to use foo = InputBox("bar").

If however you are getting it from a UserForm then it would be foo = UserForm1.TextBox1.Value

like image 39
TunaLobster Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10
