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VBA How to use a variable between subs?

I'm pretty new to VBA and I don't know how to use a variable between subs. The code should be pretty self explanatory:

Public Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim strWeapon As String
If Target.Address = "$I$8" Then
    MsgBox "You pick up a sword"
    strWeapon = "Sword"
ElseIf Target.Address = "$I$9" Then
    MsgBox "You pick up a magic staff"
    strWeapon = "Magic"
ElseIf Target.Address = "$I$10" Then
    MsgBox "You pick up a bow and arrows"
    strWeapon = "Bow"
End If
End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If strWeapon = "Magic" Then
ElseIf strWeapon = "Sword" Then
ElseIf strWeapon = "Bow" Then
End If
End Sub

Is there a way I can use strWeapon in both subs? I get an error for not defining the variable strWeapon in the second sub. Thank you!

like image 692
Ricky Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 23:01


1 Answers

You have a couple of options.

  1. You can use a public variable as shai rado has mentioned- this is probably easiest, however you should limit the use of public variables where possible.

  2. You can pass the variable from one sub to another like this:

    sub Main()
        dim strWeapon as string
        strWeapon = "Fork"
        WillIWin strWeapon
    end sub
    sub WillIWin(strWeapon as string)
        select case strWeapon
            case "Gun"
                msgbox "Probably"
            case "Sword"
                msgbox "unlikely"
            case "Fork"
                Msgbox "Goodluck"
        end select
    End Sub
  3. Alternatively if you have multiple variables to pass, you might be better with a class, this option takes more work than I'm willing to put in here, but CPearson has a good introductory course for them.

like image 87
Preston Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 01:01
