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VBA Excel separate range of date in cells





This is giving me a headache.. Im trying to do the following:

This is the data I have, I have element's names and a start date and an end date. I want to have this data by day and not in range anymore (So I can upload it to a database I have which is by day).

I dont know if I can do this without using VBA but I guess the quickes would be VBA.

Current data:

║ name  ║ start date ║  end date  ║
║ foo1  ║ 25-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo2  ║ 25-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo3  ║ 25-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo4  ║ 25-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo5  ║ 25-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo6  ║ 28-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo7  ║ 28-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo8  ║ 28-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo9  ║ 28-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo10 ║ 28-11-2013 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo11 ║ 29-11-2013 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo12 ║ 29-11-2013 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo13 ║ 29-11-2013 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo14 ║ 29-11-2013 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo15 ║ 29-11-2013 ║ 30-11-2013 ║

And I want to separate de names by day, to obtain this:

║ name  ║    date    ║
║ foo1  ║ 25-11-2013 ║
║ foo2  ║ 25-11-2013 ║
║ foo3  ║ 25-11-2013 ║
║ foo4  ║ 25-11-2013 ║
║ foo5  ║ 25-11-2013 ║
║ foo1  ║ 26-11-2013 ║
║ foo2  ║ 26-11-2013 ║
║ foo3  ║ 26-11-2013 ║
║ foo4  ║ 26-11-2013 ║
║ foo5  ║ 26-11-2013 ║
║ foo1  ║ 27-11-2013 ║
║ foo2  ║ 27-11-2013 ║
║ foo3  ║ 27-11-2013 ║
║ foo4  ║ 27-11-2013 ║
║ foo5  ║ 27-11-2013 ║
║ foo6  ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo7  ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo8  ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo9  ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo10 ║ 28-11-2013 ║
║ foo11 ║ 29-11-2013 ║
║ foo12 ║ 29-11-2013 ║
║ foo13 ║ 29-11-2013 ║
║ foo14 ║ 29-11-2013 ║
║ foo15 ║ 29-11-2013 ║
║ foo11 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo12 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo13 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo14 ║ 30-11-2013 ║
║ foo15 ║ 30-11-2013 ║

Thank you in advance.

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gepex Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 17:11


1 Answers

Combined with @SorenHoltenHansen's answer, this should get you where you want to go. This class will accept a Start and End date range and it will calculate the full range of dates which you can then use in code.

Create a new class, call it "clsDateRange", and add the following code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private m_colDates As Collection

Public Sub InitStartEnd(ByVal dtStart As Date, ByVal dtEnd As Date)
    Set m_colDates = New Collection
    Dim tempDate As Date
    For tempDate = dtStart To dtEnd Step 1
        m_colDates.Add DateValue(tempDate)
End Sub

Public Property Get Dates() As Collection
    Set Dates = m_colDates
End Property

You can go whole hog and implement the collection interface, but this should be sufficient for your needs. If you are going to have very large date ranges and you want to be smart about it, you could store just the start and end dates and generate the in-between dates only when they are needed, but I wanted to be able to use the For...Each without having to define [_NewEnum] and all of the subproperties of Collection.

Here are a few tests in a module "mdlMain" so you can see how you might use it:

Public Sub Main()
    Dim oDateRange As New clsDateRange
    Dim varDate As Variant

    oDateRange.InitStartEnd "25-11-2013", "27-11-2013"
    For Each varDate In oDateRange.Dates()
        MsgBox varDate

    oDateRange.InitStartEnd "28-11-2013", "28-11-2013"
    For Each varDate In oDateRange.Dates()
        MsgBox varDate

    oDateRange.InitStartEnd "29-11-2013", "30-11-2013"
    For Each varDate In oDateRange.Dates()
        MsgBox varDate

End Sub

Incidentally, dates are actually just 64-bit floating point numbers, Doubles. They represent the range January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999. Each day is 1, so the entire range is [-657434, 2958465]. Times of day are represented as fractional decimal parts. Midnight is *.0, noon is *.5, 3:30 is ~ *.645833333333333. Currently (in my timezone), it's December 6, 2013 1:27 PM. According to VBA in the immediate window ?CDbl(now()), that's 41614.5608680556.

So that's the reason why I can run through the date range in a for loop, adding one each time to increment the day.

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Blackhawk Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
