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VBA Classes - How to have a class hold additional classes




I have a challenge that I am trying to solve using classes.

I am logging transactions into a class.

Each transaction has the following:

  • Name
  • Date
  • Time
  • Description

However each transaction can also have many business related contacts with the following properties

  • Business Contact Name
  • Business Area
  • Percentage of Bill

Are there any examples of how this would be done.

I have tried adding a second class for the business contact and then building a collection inside the transaction class, all with no joy.

I have also tried making the business contact details a collection within the transaction class also with no joy.

Below is what I have so far, but i may have gone down a blind alley and it may not be worth trying to rescue the code

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks JP

Test sub - trying to write the data in and get it back out

Sub test()

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim xx As Integer

    'code to populate some objects
    Dim clocklist As Collection
    Dim clock As classClocks
    Dim businesscontactlist As Collection
    Dim businesscontact As classBusinessContact

    Set businesscontactlist = New Collection
    Set clocklist = New Collection

    For x = 1 To 3
        Set clock = New classClocks
        clock.LawyerName = "lawyer " & Str(x)
        For xx = 1 To 3
            businesscontact.Name = "Business Contact " & Str(xx)
            businesscontactlist.Add businesscontact

        Next xx
        clock.BusinessContactAdd businesscontactlist '----- errors here
        clocklist.Add clock
    Next x

    Set businesscontactlist = Nothing

    'write the data backout again
    For Each clock In clocklist
        Debug.Print clock.LawyerName
        Set businesscontactlist = clock.BusinessContacts
        For Each businesscontact In businesscontactlist
            Debug.Print businesscontact.Name


End Sub

Clock Class - this is the transaction class

Private pLawyerName As String
Private pBusinessContactList As Collection

Public Property Get LawyerName() As String
    LawyerName = pLawyerName
End Property

Public Property Let LawyerName(ByVal sLawyerName As String)
    pLawyerName = sLawyerName
End Property

Public Property Get BusinessContacts() As Collection
    Set BusinessContacts = pBusinessContactList
End Property

Public Property Set BusinessContactAdd(ByRef strName() As Collection)
    Set pBusinessContactList = New Collection
    Dim businesscontact As classBusinessContact
    Set businesscontact = New classBusinessContact

    For Each businesscontact In strName
        businesscontact.Name = strName.Item()
        pBusinessContactList.Add businesscontact
End Property

Business contact Class - For the moment it only has one property

Private pBusinessContactName As String

Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = pBusinessContactName
End Property

Public Property Let Name(ByVal sName As String)
    pBusinessContactName = sName
End Property
like image 922
JPC Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 14:03


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How do I create a class module in VBA?

Class module in VBA can be defined as the module that helps to create your own objects with your own properties and methods like worksheets and range objectives of excel. In simple terms with the help VBA class module, we can create objects with own properties.

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Although we can argue how much is VBA actually an Object Oriented Programming language, there is no doubt that VBA allows you to create Classes similarly as in Java or C#.

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Use a class module to create a definition for a custom object. The name with which you save the class module becomes the name of your custom object. Public Sub and Function procedures that you define within a class module become custom methods of the object.

1 Answers

There are a few things that don't do what you expect in your code. I have cleaned it a bit and this new version should be closer to what you want. Let me know if the changes are not self-explanatory.

Main procedure:

Sub test()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long

    'code to populate some objects
    Dim clocklist As Collection
    Dim clock As classClocks
    Dim businessContactList As Collection
    Dim businessContact As classBusinessContact

    Set clocklist = New Collection

    For i = 1 To 3
        Set businessContactList = New Collection
        Set clock = New classClocks
        clock.LawyerName = "lawyer " & i
        For j = 1 To 3
            Set businessContact = New classBusinessContact
            businessContact.Name = "Business Contact " & j
            businessContactList.Add businessContact
        Next j
        Set clock.BusinessContactAdd = businessContactList
        clocklist.Add clock
    Next i

    Set businessContactList = Nothing

    'write the data backout again
    For Each clock In clocklist
        Debug.Print clock.LawyerName
        Set businessContactList = clock.BusinessContacts
        For Each businessContact In businessContactList
            Debug.Print businessContact.Name


End Sub


Private pLawyerName As String
Private pBusinessContactList As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Set pBusinessContactList = New Collection
End Sub

Public Property Get LawyerName() As String
    LawyerName = pLawyerName
End Property

Public Property Let LawyerName(ByVal sLawyerName As String)
    pLawyerName = sLawyerName
End Property

Public Property Get BusinessContacts() As Collection
    Set BusinessContacts = pBusinessContactList
End Property

Public Property Set BusinessContactAdd(contactCollection As Collection)

    For Each contactName In contactCollection
        pBusinessContactList.Add contactName

End Property
like image 113
assylias Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11
