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VAST 3.0 Video Ad Server Examples?






There are alot of Vast 2.0 Players and a few 3.0 complaint players, but in the iab documentation for vast 3.0, there are not alot of direct definitions or examples on sendind ad data as an ad server. Are there any website with solid examples for linear, non-linear and companion ads?

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Isaiah N Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 20:07

Isaiah N

People also ask

What is VAST Where is it used?

VAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video players. Using an XML schema, VAST transfers important metadata about an ad from the ad server to a video player. Initially launched in 2008, VAST has since played an important role in the growth of the digital video marketplace.

Can VAST tags track viewability?

VAST tags will track viewability as of the 4.0 update.

What ad creative delivery mechanisms will benefit most by adhering to the VAST 4.0 specification?

VAST 4.0 supports the increasingly common “ad- stitching” method for stitching linear video ads into a video content stream and sending it to players with limited capabilities.

What is a Vpaid ad?

VPAID stands for Video Player-Ad Interface Definition. VPAID is a common interface between video players and ad units, enabling a rich interactive in-stream ad experience. Learn more about VPAID from IAB.

1 Answers

Kaltura tends to be one of the few players that is willing to play with new VPAID tech, so it's worth checking out their VAST 3.0 ad-pods here: http://player.kaltura.com/modules/KalturaSupport/tests/AdPodsVast3.html

Also worth checking this page which demonstrates the events flow: http://player.kaltura.com/modules/KalturaSupport/tests/AdEventsVast.qunit.html

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Oli C Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10

Oli C