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Variables are not behaving as expected


I've been wrestling trying to get the syntax right on this batch file and I cannot figure out why some things aren't working.

  1. The variable i is not getting incremented each time I do it.
  2. Concatenation on strc doesn't seem to concatenate.

Here is my code:

set i=0 set "strc=concat:"  for %%f in (*.mp4) do (     set /a i+=1     set "str=intermediate%i%.ts"      set strc="%strc% %str%|"      ffmpeg -i "%%f" -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "%str%" )  set strc="%strc:-1%" ffmpeg -i "%strc%" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc Output.mp4 
like image 500
Eric Marcinowski Avatar asked May 17 '15 02:05

Eric Marcinowski

1 Answers

You are not the first, who fell into the famous "delayed expansion trap" (and you won't be the last).

You need delayed expansion if you want to use a variable, that you changed in the same block (a block is a series of commands within parentheses (and )).

Delayed variables are referenced with !var! instead of %var%.

Reason is the way, cmd parses the code. A complete line or block is parsed at once, replacing normal variables with their value at parse time. Delayed variables are evaluated at runtime.

Two simple batch files to demonstrate:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "var=hello" if 1==1 (     set "var=world"     echo %var% !var! ) 
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /L %%i in (1,1,5) do (     echo %random% !random! ) 

Note: A line is also treated as a block:

set "var=old" set "var=new" & echo %var%  

With delayed expansion:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "var=old" set "var=new" & echo !var!  

Delayed expansion is per default turned off at the command prompt. If you really need it, you can do:

cmd /V:ON /C "set "var=hello" & echo !var!" 

Also there is a way to do the same without delayed expansion (but call costs some time, so it's slower, but if for some reason you can't / don't want to use delayed expansion, it's an alternative):

setlocal DISabledelayedexpansion for /L %%i in (1 1 5) do (     call echo %random% %%random%%  ) 

Both methods can also be used to display array-like variables:

(This is often asked like "variable which contains another variable" or "nested variables")

Here is a collection for using such array-like variables in different situations:

With delayed expansion:

setlocal ENableDelayedExpansion set "num=4" set "var[%num%]=HELLO" echo plain delayed: !var[%num%]! for /L %%i in (4 1 4) do (     echo for delayed: !var[%%i]!     set a=%%i     call echo for delayed with variable: %%var[!a!]%% ) 

without delayed expansion:

setlocal DISableDelayedExpansion set "num=4" set "var[%num%]=HELLO" call echo plain called: %%var[%num%]%% for /L %%i in (4 1 4) do (     call echo FOR called: %%var[%%i]%%     set a=%%i     call echo FOR called with variable: %%var[%a%]%% ) 

Note: setlocal has no effect outside of batchfiles, so delayedexpansion works only:

  • In batch files
  • When the cmd was started with delayed expansion enabled (cmd /V:ON) (by default, the cmd runs with delayed expansion disabled)

(Follow the links, when you are interested in the technical background or even the advanced technical stuff)

like image 99
Stephan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
