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Vapor 4 case insensitive query

In Vapor 3 you could use filter method with a SQLiteBinaryOperator, so you could create a query with a like operator. I'm trying to do the exact same thing in Vapor 4 but couldn't find anything for that. Here's my code

Vapor 4

func queryUserMovies(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[Users]> {
    let title = req.parameters.get("title")!
    return Movies.query(on: req.db).filter(\.$title == title).first().unwrap(or:Abort(.notFound, reason: "There's no movie")).flatMap{ movie in
        return movie.$users.query(on: req.db).all()

Vapor 3

func queryUserMovies(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[Users]> {
    guard let movie = req.query[String.self, at: "movie"] else {
        throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "Not such movie")
    return Movies.query(on: req).filter(\.title, .like, movie).first().unwrap(or:Abort(.notFound, reason: "There's no movie")).flatMap{ movie in
        return movie.users.query(on: req).all()

Is there anything similar in Vapor 4 or do I need to perform a raw query in SQL?

like image 695
Rodrigo Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 12:12


2 Answers

The equivalent in Vapor 4 is:

func queryUserMovies(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[Users]> {
    let title = try req.query.get(String.self, at: "title")
    return Movies.query(on: req.db)
        .filter(\.$title, .custom("ilike"), title)
        .unwrap(or:Abort(.notFound, reason: "There's no movie"))
        .flatMap{ movie in
            return movie.$users.query(on: req.db).all()

You can even perform a wider search to find anything containing that title:

.filter(\.$title, .custom("ilike"), "%\(title)%")
like image 124
0xTim Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 08:01


I just had the same issue, but with one more obstacle!

The setup is a Machine relation joined with a Category relation and I wanted to search for occurrences of one or more search-terms in the Machine.name and Category.name with one expression.

(Both the Machine and the Category relations have a name attribute.)

search is of the Type [String.SubSequence], so we can iterate over multiple search-term keywords, which must all be present somewhere in the names.

My solution was:

return Machine
  .query(on: req.db)
  .join(Category.self, on: \Category.$id == \Machine.$category.$id)
  // For each search-term the must be at least one fit with Machine.name and/or Category.name
  .group(.and) {
    var result = $0
    for term in search.map({ "%\(String($0))%" }) {
      // One or both must fit the search-term ...
      result = result.group(.or) {
          // Does the Machine name fit?
          .filter(\Machine.$name, .custom("ilike"), term)
          // Does the Category.path name fit?
              Category.path(for: \Category.$name),
              schema: Category.schema

As you can see there are two .group(...) functions. The outer group (.or) says "for each search-term there must be one fitting inner group rule" and the inner group (.or) says "there must be at lease a fitting Machine.name or Category.name".

Since .custom("ilike") is not supported by the "joined-relation-filter" I used the workaround I found here.

Even tough the question may already be answered, I spend some time figuring this out and thought I could share it here.

like image 34
sw1ft3r Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 09:01
