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ValueError: Could not interpret input 'index' when using index with seaborn lineplot


I want the use the index of a pandas DataFrame as x value for a seaborn plot. However, this raises a value error.

A small test example:

import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.lineplot(x='index',y='test',hue='test2',data=pd.DataFrame({'test':range(9),'test2':range(9)})) 

It raises:

ValueError: Could not interpret input 'index' 

Is it not possible to use the index as x values? What am I doing wrong? Python 2.7, seaborn 0.9

like image 572
MaxS Avatar asked Sep 10 '18 11:09


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2 Answers

I would rather prefer to use it this way. You need to remove hue as I assume it has a different purpose which doesn't apply in your current DataFrame because you have a single line. Visit the official docs here for more info.

df=pd.DataFrame({'test':range(9),'test2':range(9)}) sns.lineplot(x=df.index, y='test', data=df) 


enter image description here

like image 193
Sheldore Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


You would need to make sure the string you provide to the x argument is actually a column in your dataframe. The easiest solution to achieve that is to reset the index of the dataframe to convert the index to a column.

sns.lineplot(x='index', y='test', data=pd.DataFrame({'test':range(9),'test2':range(9)}).reset_index()) 
like image 27
ImportanceOfBeingErnest Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
