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value must be a mock or spy function when using jest.fn

Getting this error

Matcher error: received value must be a mock or spy function

Received has type:  object
Received has value: {}

However, i think i shouldn't be getting this error because im using jest.fn. So im mocking the function.

describe('Should simulate button click', ()=> {
        it('should simulate button click', () => {
            // add the name of the prop, which in this case ites called onItemAdded prop,
            // then use jest.fn()
            const wrapper = shallow(<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={() => jest.fn()}/>)
            // console.log('props',wrapper.find('button').props());

            expect(wrapper).toHaveBeenCalled(); // error happens when this executes


import React, { Component } from 'react';

import './todo-add-item.css';

export default class TodoAddItem extends Component {

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="todo-add-item">

                    className="test-button btn btn-outline-secondary float-left"
                    onClick={() => this.props.onItemAdded('Hello world')}>
                    Add Item

app.js (using the component in this file)

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import AppHeader from '../app-header';
import SearchPanel from '../search-panel';
import TodoList from '../todo-list';
import ItemStatusFilter from '../item-status-filter';
import TodoAddItem from '../todo-add-item';

import './app.css';

export default class App extends Component {

    constructor() {

        this.createTodoItem = (label) => {
            return {
                important: false,
                done: false,
                id: this.maxId++

        this.maxId = 100;

        this.state = {
            todoData: [
                this.createTodoItem('Drink Coffee'),
                this.createTodoItem('Make Awesome App'),
                this.createTodoItem('Have a lunch')

        this.deleteItem = (id) => {
            this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
                const idx = todoData.findIndex((el) => el.id === id);
                const newArray = [
                    ...todoData.slice(0, idx),
                    ...todoData.slice(idx + 1)

                return {
                    todoData: newArray

        this.addItem = (text) => {
            const newItem = this.createTodoItem(text);

            this.setState(({ todoData }) => {
                const newArray = [

                return {
                    todoData: newArray

        this.onToggleImportant = (id) => {
            console.log('toggle important', id);

        this.onToggleDone = (id) => {
            console.log('toggle done', id);

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="todo-app">
                <AppHeader toDo={ 1 } done={ 3 } />
                <div className="top-panel d-flex">
                    <SearchPanel />
                    <ItemStatusFilter />
                    todos={ this.state.todoData }
                    onDeleted={ this.deleteItem }
                    onToggleImportant={ this.onToggleImportant }
                    onToggleDone={ this.onToggleDone } />
                <TodoAddItem onItemAdded={ this.addItem } />
like image 255
randal Avatar asked May 15 '19 18:05


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You can use jest. mock (line 4) to mock the lang dependency. In the example above, the mock module has a current field which is set to a mock function. You want to test both branches of hello, so you use mockReturnValueOnce to make the mock function return "GL" in the first invocation, and "EN" in the second one.

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2 Answers

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe you should do something like this:

describe('should simulate button click', () => {
   it('should simulate button click', () => {
      const mockedFunction = jest.fn();

      const wrapper = shallow(<TodoAddItem onItemAdded={ mockedFunction } />);



You are testing if the onItemAdded function gets called when you click the <TodoAddItem /> component. So you have to mock it first using jest.fn and then check if the mocked function got called after you simulated the click.

like image 191
Diogo Capela Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10

Diogo Capela

For me works replacing the next one:

const setCategories = () => jest.fn();

With this one:

const setCategories = jest.fn();

I suppose that you should to set just jest.fn or jest.fn() in your code.

like image 23
anayarojo Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
