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Validation Data Class Parameters Kotlin


If I am modeling my value objects using Kotlin data classes what is the best way to handle validation. Seems like the init block is the only logical place since it executes after the primary constructor.

data class EmailAddress(val address: String) {      init {         if (address.isEmpty() || !address.matches(Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+(.[a-zA-Z]{2,})$"))) {             throw IllegalArgumentException("${address} is not a valid email address")         }     } } 

Using JSR-303 Example

The downside to this is it requires load time weaving

@Configurable data class EmailAddress(@Email val address: String) {      @Autowired     lateinit var validator: Validator      init {         validator.validate(this)     } } 
like image 630
greyfox Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 18:08


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Data classes specialize in holding data. The Kotlin compiler automatically generates the following functionality for them: A correct, complete, and readable toString() method. Value equality-based equals() and hashCode() methods.

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2 Answers

I did make a comment, but I thought I would share my approach to validation instead.

First, I think it is a mistake to perform validation on instantiation. This will make the boundary between deserialization and handing over to your controllers messy. Also, to me, if you are sticking to a clean architecture, validation is part of your core logic, and you should ensure with tests on your core logic that it is happening.

So, to let me tackle this how I wish, I first define my own core validation api. Pure kotlin. No frameworks or libraries. Keep it clean.

interface Validatable {      /**      * @throws [ValidationErrorException]      */     fun validate() }   class ValidationErrorException(         val errors: List<ValidationError> ) : Exception() {      /***      * Convenience method for getting a data object from the Exception.      */     fun toValidationErrors() = ValidationErrors(errors) }  /**  * Data object to represent the data of an Exception. Convenient for serialization.  */ data class ValidationErrors(         val errors : List<ValidationError> )  data class ValidationError(         val path: String,         val message: String ) 

Then I have a framework specific implementations. For example a javax.validation.Validation implementation:

open class ValidatableJavax : Validatable {      companion object {         val validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().validator!!     }      override fun validate() {         val violations = validator.validate(this)         val errors = violations.map {             ValidationError(it.propertyPath.toString(), it.message)         }.toMutableList()         if (errors.isNotEmpty()) {             throw ValidationErrorException(errors = errors)         }     } } 

The only problem with this, is that the javax annotations don't play so well with kotlin data objects - but here is an example of a class with validation:

import javax.validation.constraints.Positive  class MyObject(         myNumber: BigDecimal ) : ValidatableJavax() {      @get:Positive(message = "Must be positive")     val myNumber: BigDecimal = myNumber  } 
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Laurence Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09


It seems unreasonable to me to have object creation validation anywhere else but in the class constructor. This is the place responsible for the creation, so that is the place where the rules which define what is and isn't a valid instance should be. From a maintenance perspective it also makes sense to me as it would be the place where I would look for such rules if I had to guess.

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Diego Marin Santos Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Diego Marin Santos