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Validate email address form submit

I've got a simple form that enables users to enter a promotional code and email address to be signed up to an email as follows. But at present it doesn't validate the email correctly.

There is an include file doreferral.asp that; Checks to see if the code they entered exists in a table of promotional codes and also Checks to see if the email address already exists.

I have added emailValidate to check to see if the email address is valid and if not, and then tell the user in the <%=sys_message%>.

However, it's currently stopping genuine emails so the validation isn't working. :S

My doreferral.asp looks like this;

    Code            = replace(request.Form("Code"),"'","")
    Email       = replace(request.Form("Email"),"'","")

    sys_message = ""
    submission = ""

    ''//Check the submitted code against existing ones in the database
    set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
    qs = "SELECT COUNT(AgentReferralCode) AS 'CountCodes' FROM Customers WHERE AgentReferralCode = '" & Code & "'"
    set rs = conn.Execute(qs)

    CountCode = rs("CountCodes")

    set rs = nothing
    set conn = nothing

    If(CountCode < 1) Then
        sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>The agent code does not exist.</p>"
    End If

''//Check to see if the email address is valid
Dim emailValidate
emailValidate = 0 'Initializing goby to 0

''//if the len is less than 5 then it can't be an email
''//(i.e.: [email protected]) 
If Len(session("Email")) <= 5 Then
   emailValidate = 1
End If

If InStr(1, session("Email"), "@", 1) < 2 Then
    'If we find one and only one @, then the
    'email address is good to go.
    emailValidate = 1
    If InStr(1,session("Email"), ".", 1) < 4 Then
        'Must have a '.' too
         emailValidate = 1
    End If
End If

If emailValidate <> 0 then 
    sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>The email address is not valid.</p>"
End If

    ''//Check the submitted email against existing ones in the database
    set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
    qs = "SELECT COUNT(ReferredEmail) AS 'Count' FROM TenantReferral WHERE ReferredEmail = '" & Email & "'"
    set rs = conn.Execute(qs)

    countEmail = rs("Count")

    set rs = nothing
    set conn = nothing

    If(countEmail >= 1) Then
        sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='err'>This email address has already been referred.</p>"
    End If  

    ''//Only Process the SQL if there is no sys_message
    If(sys_message = "") Then

        SQLfields = SQLfields & "ReferredCode, "
        SQLvalues = SQLvalues & "'"& Trim(Code) &"', "
        SQLfields = SQLfields & "ReferredEmail"
        SQLvalues = SQLvalues & "'"& Trim(Email) &"'"

        SQL = SQL & "INSERT into TenantReferral ("& SQLfields &") VALUES ("& SQLvalues &")"

        set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
        conn.open application("DATABASE")
        SET rs = conn.execute(SQL)

        [Send email code]

        sys_message = sys_message & "<p class='ok'>Thank you for your referral.</p>" 
        submission = "ok"
    End If

I wondered if anyone might be able to help debug the emailValidate functionality to check if the email address is valid?

Thank you.

like image 661
doubleplusgood Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 05:03


1 Answers

Something like this does basic regex validation. You can get fancier and do dns lookups but for most purposes this is enough:

  Function validate(eaddr)
  dim isValidE
  dim regEx

  isValidE = True
  set regEx = New RegExp

  regEx.IgnoreCase = False

  regEx.Pattern = "^[-+.\w]{1,64}@[-.\w]{1,64}\.[-.\w]{2,6}$"
  isValidE = regEx.Test(eaddr)

  validate= isValidE
  End Function

Regex borrowed from here: http://tiffanybbrown.com/2006/12/12/a-better-regex-pattern-for-matching-e-mail-addresses/

like image 50
brendan Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 18:03
