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Validate EF Code first model against existing database

Is there a way to check that a DbContext matches the database when the database was not created by EF code first?

I am looking for similar functionality to Database.CompatibleWithModel but there is not metadata.

like image 956
Josh Avatar asked Jan 17 '12 16:01


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2 Answers

There is currently no way in EF to do this; however, you may be able to use the DDL script as a starting point for verifying that all the artifacts exist in the database. To get this script, use

string ddlScript = ((IObjectContextAdapter)myContext).ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();

Some tools may be able to use this script to do a schema compare against your database. This will tell you if your model is compatible.

like image 125
bricelam Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10


Have you tried using Entity Framework Power Tools.

you can use the tools to Reverse Engineer Code First - Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code First mapping for an existing database.

And then maybe you can compare the reversed engineered information with what you already have.

like image 40
Ibrahim Najjar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Ibrahim Najjar